Jumat, 24 September 2010

Daily Activities

Daily activities
Today is Friday, September 24, 2010 at 05:00am I got up to perform at 05.30am to pray.Next I get ready to depart from preparing school books and school supplies, bathing and wearing uniforms.After finished getting ready in 06.30, I had for breakfast so have the energy to learn.And then after breakfast at 6:50 am I leave for school. After arriving at school at 7:15am school bell was ringing.Is time to me to start learning .But before starting my first lesson and friends to pray according to their belief that I and friends were given protection and adequate knowledge at the time to learn.after activity begins to pray and learning activities were also held teaching and learning for about 6 hours 15 minutes 07.30am -11.30am.And on teaching and learning activities were completed and at 11:30am it's time for home school students. After I got home I rushed to change clothes and meals. After lunch I rested for a while and then perform 'Ashar prayer. Then when the time evening came I pray maghrib and watch television for a while. And in the evening after my dinner and then I was doing my school work until 10.00am hours, after that I went to bed quite so tomorrow morning I'm not tired at school.

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